On the back half of my Saturday run, I had this eerie feeling that I was merely running in place. At first, I chalked it up to being tired. But it soon became apparent to me that there was another reason.
I’d made a turn in direction heading back for home directly into the wind.
While it wasn’t a gusty wind, it was evident and consistent. I hadn’t noticed it much when it was behind me, but now it was a force to contend with.
Funny that in business and life – especially for us playing the Back 9 of them – that we can easily over focus on the headwinds. Those times where things aren’t quite perfect, or maybe even “gusty” and weighty in life. We expend a lot of mental, emotional, and physical energy to lean in and continue.
While this is a real part of resilience, we should also invest energy in those times – and there are more than we might think – when we have a nice tailwind aiding our journey.
Any of you who have flown on airplanes have been on both sides of the winds. Headwinds make the trip longer, while tailwinds will get us to our destination sooner.
The same is true in business and life.
When things are going well, we need to take advantage to achieve our goals quicker. The tailwind might be strong and things seem like everything we do turns to gold. More often, the tailwind might be imperceptible and because we don’t recognize it, we simply think it’s just “normal.”
My suggestion is to turn that “normal” tailwind into gold. And when I say gold, it doesn’t simply refer to financial achievement. I also mean the advancement of relationships, projects, skill development, and risk taking.
You won’t be more confident to consider taking risks that when things are going well. Often, those strategic risks will turn into rewards. Those rewards will ultimately help you when the turn into the headwind comes, and then allows you to power through even better.
Keep chasing unleashed.
Quote of the Week:
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up..”
~ Thomas Edison
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