Sep 21, 2015 | Extra Points
This week’s focus point…Temptation Temptation is a funny thing. On the surface, it sounds like a peril; a danger to be avoided. We can be tempted to do all sorts of things that aren’t good for us, or are perceived by others to not be good for us....
Sep 15, 2015 | Business Continuity Strategies, Business Strategy
This is my September column for the Kitsap Business Journal / Kitsap Sun. I’ve been a monthly columnist since 2010. You can find many of my recently archived columns on my website. Do you remember being advised by someone at some point in your life that you...
Sep 14, 2015 | Extra Points
This week’s focus point…Influencing with Language Being influential is not about manipulation. To the contrary, it’s about helping others become better and more successful. The power of language is the most overlooked skill by business leaders. While...
Sep 8, 2015 | Dan's Books
(Excerpt from his upcoming book “Unleashed Leadership: Maximizing Talent & Performance by Opening the Gates of Opportunity” (Kitsap Publishing), which is scheduled to be released in October.) Note: This is Captain Jack. Dan got the last excerpt, so it’s my...
Sep 7, 2015 | Extra Points
This week’s focus point…Labor Day Edition Labor Day is a national day to stop, rest, and rejoice in our work. We are blessed in this country to have the opportunity to work and build a lifestyle we want. To that point, I believe that not everyone out there...