Dec 22, 2013 | Uncategorized
The most successful people have high-powered coaches and mentors. Period. My mentor is Million Dollar Consulting ™ author, Alan Weiss. He’s been instrumental in helping me grow both professionally and personally. I’ve worked with him since 2008. What about...
Dec 12, 2013 | Upcoming Events
He’s the insurance “go to guy” with loads of sports metaphors; she’s the poet emphasizing empathy. They couldn’t possibly be more different, but Libby and Dan have a few things in common: improving their clients’ conditions and helping leaders...
May 14, 2013 | Rave Reviews
[youtube] Thankful to Alan Weiss for this new testimonial… © 2-13 Dan Weedin. All Rights Reserved
Dec 27, 2012 | Upcoming Events
My professional mentor, Alan Weiss, will be conducting one of his Almost Free events here in Seattle on May 2nd. Registration is now online and ready to roll! Register by clicking here Alan is the author of well over 40 books related to solo practitioner consulting,...
Nov 28, 2012 | Upcoming Events
Join me for this power-packed teleconference with my special guest, Alan Weiss. The topic of my interview is fundamentals around thought leadership for as an expert in your field. Alan will offer insight and suggestions on how to quickly and powerfully position...