This past weekend, I had the pleasure of conferring official graduation upon about 500 high school seniors of two different high schools. This annual right of passage for 17 and 18 year olds is marked by a very special tradition…the turning of the tassel.
That tassel turn from right to left signifies a transition for them. A transition from youth to young adult; from dependence to autonomy; and from the known to the unknown.
What many of these young adults don’t yet realize is that transitions don’t end with graduations. They happen constantly through life. We go through transitions in business and in life – from single to married; from childless to parents; and from employee to entrepreneur.
Change must be embraced by them and you. The biggest enemy of success is sameness. Newspapers didn’t get that and now they are going the way of the T-Rex and dodo bird. Apple is on top of the technology world, yet they are constantly in a state of trying to change and improve. What about you…both professionally and personally? What transitions are you in the midst of? Which ones are you assertively seeking out? And which ones will help you grow regardless of how many graduation reunions you see in your lifetime?
© 2013 Dan Weedin. All Rights Reserved
This week’s quote –
“The job of the artist is to always deepen the mystery.”
– Francis Bacon