This week’s focus point…Friends and Enemies
Captain Jack loves people. I’m sure in his brain he’s thinking, “I’m a great guy and everyone should love me.” So he reaches out to every human he encounters to make sure they know he’s available for lavish attention.
Captain Jack has a mortal enemy. The vacuum cleaner. At the mere sight of the vacuum cleaner, he breaks into a frenzy, which includes intense barking, attack-mode posturing, and unmitigated vitriol. There is destined to be a lifelong enmity between the two.
Captain Jack knows who are friends and enemies. Do you?
If you’re in business, your friends should be activities and behaviors that move you swiftly towards objectives, goals, and dreams. Things like – proper prioritization of your time, marketing gravity, creating intellectual property, talking to prospective clients, giving speeches, strategizing, and professional development. You should treat these like Jack treats humans.
Your enemies should be dealt with as harshly as Jack treat the vacuum. These might include – surfing endlessly on social media, allowing interruptions to distract you, making all “priorities” urgent, poor self-talk, saying “yes” when you you should say “no,” and lack of discipline.
We all have friends and enemies at times. The trick is to not allow your enemies to become best friends with you. Captain Jack can differentiate between the two. How about you?
© 2014 Dan Weedin. All Rights Reserved
This week’s quote –
“Any time you see a turtle up on top of a fence post, you know he had some help.”
~ Alex Haley
Inaugural Unleashed Summit on September 23rd. Learn more and register now to save your seat to this dynamic event.
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Great one!
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