Last month, I gave a presentation on occupational health and safety management. The audience was comprised of executives and human resource managers. Part of my program involved how to curb the rising cost of health insurance. It’s easily a Top 5 cost for business, and for many even higher. One of my solutions is a wellness program. Larger companies are going this route, but it’s tougher for small business. But, here’s the harsh truth. It’s always up to the individual to take control of their health.
Here’s what’s in it for you, regardless if you are the owner or employee. Nobody wants to get hurt on the job. Heck, nobody wants to get hurt off the job, either. Unfortunately, in this country we as a society do a poor job of taking care of ourselves once we get past 25 years old. A recent study done by the National Center for Disease Control estimates 2 out of 3 Americans are obese. The results, we are an increased likelihood of getting injured on the job, which has devastating effects for the employee and the employer.
Here’s the deal – you don’t need to be a fitness model. You just need to be healthy. Take these three steps and start today – be more judicious about what you eat (smaller portions and healthier); exercise a little every day (walking, jogging, tennis, swimming, walking the dog); and stretch. As we get older, stretching becomes more crucial to avoiding injuries. Take a step towards a healthier life where you feel better; can work and play more efficiently; and can enjoy that feeling deeper into your life.
This week’s quote –“If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.”
– Mickey Mantle, Hall of Fame baseball player