Election Special
Don’t worry, this isn’t an advertisement for who to vote for, how to vote, nor has it been approved by any candidate.
Since George Washington decided to hang it up as President over 200 years ago after 8 years on the job, this country has been holding elections every 4 years to determine who would hold the most important job in the country, and eventually the world. If you look at old political attacks, you will note that not much has changed in the political game, other than technology and the ability to distribute your opinion. In most Presidential elections, somewhere near 50% of the people are unhappy with the outcome. What makes this country special is that no matter who wins, the “losers” accept and move on without pitchforks, torches, or grenades. That’s not so true in other parts of the world.
From a historical perspective, we must give tremendous credit to our forefathers. In the infancy of this nation; in a country that was still remembering breaking away from a tyrant; and in such unstable times around the world (remember the French Revolution followed ours within about a decade), these brave men and women eschewed overthrowing the other side. They decided to set the stage for a democracy to continue on and built a legacy of power to the people to vote and have it count. We may forget that sometimes. This morning’s message is just to remind you of it.
If you haven’t voted yet, please do so. As we also draw nearer to Veterans Day, we should remember that many men and women have sacrificed and been role models for us and the ability to choose our leaders and live by that decision. Let’s hope that we continue that tradition regardless of our political disposition.
This week’s quote –
“When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
~Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States of America
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