This Week’s Focus Point: Check Your Pocket
I was headed out the door for a client meeting when I realized I didn’t have my car keys. I searched all over my coat and pants pockets, recalling vividly that I’d snatched them from the key holder just minutes before.
You have talent. It’s been with you all along. Stop looking for it so vigorously. The first step is to acknowledge your skill, expertise, and unmitigated ability to be great at what you do. Then make it better. Focus your professional development on building up your strengths. It’s wasteful to search for something you already have. The time you send can never be returned. Use that time to increase that talent so as to maximize its use for you and others.
Today, go check your pocket, find your talent, and then increase it.
Quote of the Week:
“Life is made up of marble and mud.”
~ Nathaniel Hawthorne
If you’d like to hear more about this concept, listen to my live Periscope broadcast today at 10 am PST.
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