Being Thankful

Last week for Thanksgiving, I posted this message of thanks on my Facebook page. The resulting response was meaningful for me, so I thought I would share it with all of you…
Many of my friends have been posting something they are thankful for each day on Facebook. I’m not that creative. I’m thankful for 7 things. That’s right…7. I’d like to share them with you on this Thanksgiving….
1. I’m thankful for my faith. Life can be challenging with it. Without it, I can’t even imagine.
2. I’m thankful I married up. Big. Meeting my soul mate and spouse at 17 years old an
3. The two greatest things in the world to be called are Daddy and Coach. I’ve been called both. The former by the most amazing daughters anyone could ever dream of. Heck, they even called me the latter, but usually with a twinge of sarcasm. I miss them this Thanksgiving.
4. I’m thankful to live in the United States, where I can grow up to be who I want, change my mind, run my own business, and fly the flag outside my house. God Bless the USA.
5. I’m thankful for my health. I watched a moving ESPN program on former baseball player Ben Petrick. Petrick was a rising star when he was stricken with early onset Parkinson’s Disease at age 23. It’s an amazing story of resilience and gives me perspective on my good fortune.
6. I’m thankful for Rotary. For nearly 19 years, Rotary has been the vehicle to join arms with friends and give back by improving the lives of others around the world.
7. “No man is a failure, who has friends.” Clarence Oddbody (guardian angel to George Bailey) – I have an abundance of wonderful friends. Thank you!
Copyright 2012 Dan Weedin. All Rights Reserved
This week’s quote –
“Art and works of art do not make an artist; sense and enthusiasm and instinct do.”