September 11th will always hold a significant place in my heart. At least to this point, it’s the most profound and impactful event that’s occurred in my lifetime of 45 years. I’ll never forget where I was (getting ready for work); or how I felt (stunned, shaken, shocked, and vexed). What happened over the ensuing days and weeks however had a bigger effect.
We as a nation, and New York as a city and state, banded together as one. Adjectives that come to mind are resilient, resourceful, generous, and courageous. Flags flew, churches were filled, rivalries were temporarily put on hold, games ceased, and tears flowed. In the midst of tremendous adversity and conflict, we grew stronger. It might remind others from a past generation how we responded after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
We as people are resilient. We are strong, courageous, and relentless…when we need to be. Unfortunately, it often takes a tragedy like 9/11 to spur us on. I maintain that every day we find opportunities and smaller challenges where we need to show the same resolve, yet fail to be motivated to. I encourage each of you to keep that resiliency and moxie every day of your life. Whether in your professional or personal life, you will find ample opportunities to survive and to thrive. Take them!
This week’s quote –“I have not yet begun to fight. ”
– John Paul Jones
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