We all know that if you park your car in your garage, shut the door and leave the car running, you have problems. If you stay in the car, the carbon monoxide will overtake the oxygen and very quickly suffocate you. Breathing your own exhaust is fatal.
The same is true in business.
If you continue doing what you’ve always done (sitting in your car); never take any input advice, coaching, mentoring, or any kind of professional development and solely listen to yourself (exhaust); and close out all avenues of risk (closed garage door); you will also suffocate your career. It’s called “breathing your own exhaust,” and the concept was fist taught to me by my professional mentor, Alan Weiss. I was reminded of it during my live broadcast yesterday (watch recording below ~ 24 minutes).
It’s easy to become a lone wolf. You can be sole practitioner consultant or an executive in a Fortune 500 company. It doesn’t matter. If you spend too much time listening only to yourself, you can’t grow and expand. You have to bring in some “fresh air.”
This week, I have started a campaign to call people (that’s right, call NOT email) in my community to ask what topics they want to see me address in my newsletters and videos. The response has been fantastic and I’ve picked up some new ideas that I’d never considered. It’s one of the ways I try to take in fresh air to keep my intellectual property relevant and fresh. What can you do in your business to do the same?
© 2014 Dan Weedin. All Rights Reserved
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEaesM_DvOY?list=UUx-4MfRi8AvE7HrKH8PLOPA&w=560&h=315]
Dan, Great insight. I appreciate YOUR breath of fresh air and perspective!!!
Thanks, Maria!