I belong to an outstanding professional community founded by my mentor, Alan Weiss. This group has over a thousand consultants, coaches, and entrepreneurs. It’s been a terrific place for me to gain new ideas, ask for suggestions, and increase my knowledge. It also has afforded me the opportunity to gain new friends.
I just received a voice mail from one of my colleagues from this group. She lives down in the Bay Area and knew that Easter was coming up and that this would be the first one without my father. She took a few minutes out of her day to say hello, check in on me, and offer support. I’ve met Simma in person only a couple of times, however we’ve connected for the past several years through Alan’s forums. Her reaching out literally made my day. It was a kindness that is often overlooked in today’s fast-paced world.
So my question to you (and to me) today is..who can you touch today? Who can use a bit of encouragement and you’re just the person to do it? Might be a family member, friend, colleague, associate, fellow employee, team member, or someone you just meet on the street. Regardless, don’t overlook the impact you can have in someone’s life with just a brief encounter and show of support.
I got mine today. I guess it’s my tun to do the same for someone else!
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