Apr 12, 2014 | Videos, Where's Dan?
Okay…let’s be clear. My Spanish needs some work and I might have been a little over my head in trying to use it as much as I did. But, it’s about being Unleashed, right? I had the opportunity to be interviewed about my new book, Unleashed on a...
Apr 12, 2014 | Videos, Where's Dan?
Okay…let’s be clear. My Spanish needs some work and I might have been a little over my head in trying to use it as much as I did. But, it’s about being Unleashed, right? I had the opportunity to be interviewed about my new book, Unleashed on a...
Nov 23, 2011 | Uncategorized
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMmUE-AbIoM] I’m very pleased to introduce a new section on this blog…in Spanish. This section will continue to evolve and build. If you know anyone that can benefit from my work that needs to speak in Spanish,...