Aug 9, 2012 | Business Strategy
From my monthly column in the Kitsap Business Journal… July 30, 2012 @ 10:11pm | Dan Weedin When I think about tools, I am one of those unusual guys who don’t think of fixing things. I’m not a “tool guy.” I carry 14 “tools” in my bag… my golf bag. I equate this...
Jul 17, 2012 | Uncategorized
From my July column in the Kitsap Business Journal… In June, I watched two celebrated sporting events — the French Open in professional tennis, and the U.S. Open in men’s professional golf. These two sports feature great individual athletic prowess. They also...
Apr 5, 2012 | Business Strategy, Leadership
Picking Teams… April 2, 2012 @ 4:18pm | Dan Weedin Do you remember choosing up teams to play baseball insert your sport) as a kid? Two captains would be “appointed” or “anointed” depending on the social structure of the playground. They were normally the two...
Feb 14, 2012 | Professional Development
I’ve been fortunate to have a regular column for the Kitsap Business Journal for two years. Now, I’ve compiled all that work into one eBook. Your investment – $10 (49 pages) This eBook features 22 columns from 2010 and 2011. The topics range from...
Feb 7, 2012 | Business Strategy, Leadership
From my Kitsap Business Journal column – January 31, 2012 @ 4:28pm | Dan Weedin Change management is a hot buzzword in business circles today. Everywhere you turn, experts espouse ways to deal with change in the workplace, in the world, and even in your home....