Jul 23, 2013 | Business Strategy, Videos
This is a 10-part video series I recently created for Chron, which is the online version for the Houston Chronicle. The topic surrounds crisis planning and disaster recovery for small business. The questions and topics were raised by readers of Chron. There really is...
Jul 19, 2013 | Business Strategy, Videos
This is a 10-part video series I recently created for Chron, which is the online version for the Houston Chronicle. The topic surrounds crisis planning and disaster recovery for small business. The questions and topics were raised by readers of Chron. There really is...
Jul 8, 2013 | Extra Points
Perspective Redux This was a tragic weekend. Three major disasters occurred in North America starting on Saturday morning and ending on Sunday. Most of the nation was focused on the unbelievable saga of the Asiana Air crash landing in San Francisco that killed two and...
May 14, 2013 | Rave Reviews
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKd7l4Frbak] Thankful to Alan Weiss for this new testimonial… © 2-13 Dan Weedin. All Rights Reserved