Nov 21, 2016 | Uncategorized
“So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains And we never even know we have the key…” The basic tenet of having an “unleashed” career and life is that you free yourself from your own invisible fence. The good news is that...
Mar 7, 2016 | Extra Points, Uncategorized
This Week’s Focus Point: Put Me in Coach Why is it that the most successful athletes and entertainers in the world have a coach? Common thinking might assume that people who have reached the pinnacle of their success can “figure it out” for the rest...
Jan 26, 2016 | Rave Reviews, Uncategorized
I’m always grateful to my clients that take the time to write a testimonial on my behalf. Just this week, I received a new one that was especially nice… My work with Dan Weedin was targeted to help provide guidance and insight, while navigating through...
Sep 9, 2015 | Press Releases
Many thanks to a happy coaching client… In working with Dan Weedin, he gets my highest recommendation as an executive coach and mentor. Dan’s ability to recognize, understand, and explain complex business relationships has improved my thinking, and most...
Sep 19, 2013 | Leadership, Professional Development
I visited my mother yesterday at the memory care facility she lives in. I try to visit her every day for at least 30-45 minutes. I’ve learned the times that work best for her as far as her mood. The later in the afternoon it gets, the worse it gets due to her...