Mar 6, 2014 | Business Continuity Strategies, Marketing & Branding, Professional Development
I am regularly asked by those I coach and mentor, “What do I write for my blog?” Let’s discuss first three very quick reasons on WHY you should be blogging: Building your brand through intellectual property creation. Get your value and your smarts...
Mar 6, 2014 | Business Continuity Strategies, Marketing & Branding, Professional Development
I am regularly asked by those I coach and mentor, “What do I write for my blog?” Let’s discuss first three very quick reasons on WHY you should be blogging: Building your brand through intellectual property creation. Get your value and your smarts...
Apr 15, 2012 | Uncategorized
New feature… Here are the Top 7 posts for 1st Quarter of 2012 (in order)… 1. Saints to Sinners: Business Lessons from the NFL 2. Moneyball for Insurance Executives 3. The Escape and Capture of Captain Jack 4. Too Much in Your Face(book) 5. The Seinfeld...
Jun 27, 2011 | Extra Points
Accountability. This one will probably anger a few of you. I’ll take the risk. It used to be that letters to the editor needed to be signed in order to be printed. It may still be the case, however in our new world reality of online comments, the names have been...
Jun 16, 2011 | Uncategorized
Social Media has captivated the globe and has changed how we communicate personally and professionally forever. And the scary thing is, it’s ever evolving and changing. The good news for you as a business is that you have more ways to spread your message, sell your...