Saturday at about 3 pm Pacific. I’m driving home with my wife and our daughter Mindy is on the speakerphone with us. The radio is tuned to ESPN and we are listening live to the NFL Hall of Fame announcement of the 2012 class. We are collectively holding our breath for former Seattle Seahawks legend, Cortez Kennedy. The announcement is made…Tez is in! We all let out a big yell of joy. Fifteen minutes later, through a variety of texts and calls, I’m logged on to the Hall of Fame web site and ready to click on “Buy Tickets” for August 4 enshrinement. Click.
This wasn’t a small or grand decision. It was just a decision to gather our family together and make the trek to Canton to cheer on our hero. Four people involved; a fair chunk of change for the entire weekend; and commitments to be made. The decision took 15 minutes, not 15 hours or days.
Successful people are decisive. Yes, there are bigger and more important decisions in business and life. But too often, I see executives and business owners fall into analysis paralysis. It impacts organizations and families; it wastes time; and quite frankly it’s dysfunctional. Once you’re 80% there, jump. The remaining 20% is just wasting time, energy, and money.
Make the call and commit to it. More often that not, it was the right one!
This week’s quote – “Be miserable, or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” Wayne Dyer