Apr 25, 2022 | Extra Points
“What if I leave the ball in the damn sand?” As most of you know, I picked up a part-time job this Spring as the Boys Golf Coach at my local high school. I was feeling good about my game going into the season. Over last summer, I dropped nine strokes off my handicap....
Mar 28, 2022 | Extra Points, The Dog Planet
Some of you are connected to me on Facebook and Instagram, so you know this news already. I ask your patience as I share the news with my larger newsletter and subscriber community. This week’s newsletter is dedicated to my friend. It’s a bit longer than...
Mar 21, 2022 | Balance, Extra Points
“Pops, I think this is the most fun thing I do with you…” These words were spoken by my 4-year old granddaughter Ellie as we were taking a walk through the neighborhood. It was the sweetest thing I could ever hear. Her sister Maddie had started out with us, but the...
Mar 14, 2022 | Balance, Extra Points, Leadership
“The follow through is the most important part of the swing. How you finish will inform you on your balance…” These words of wisdom came from my golf coach this past weekend. I’ve been working with Eric for several years, normally with a full lesson at the beginning...
Mar 7, 2022 | Extra Points
My new LinkedIn Learning course is coming out soon. We filmed virtually from my house the first week of January. I enjoy the script writing and filming. It’s right up my alley for fun! The next assignment I had was a struggle. I was asked to provide something new that...
Feb 21, 2022 | Extra Points
“Even if you choose to not decide, you still have made a choice.” That great Canadian philosopher, Neal Peart (as vocalized by his mate, Geddy Lee) The term “choice” get a lot of airtime in our culture. It has been used and weaponized in politics, sports,...