Apr 23, 2010 | Professional Development
Between Rotary and school board meetings, I see a ton of slide presentations (Powerpoint™ has such a strong brand like Xerox once had – people use it as a verb) and the one common denominator is too much text. Whenever you hear the presenter say, “I...
Apr 12, 2010 | Uncategorized
I just provided 5 key techniques to better speeches and presentations for a publication in Ireland. I thought I would share the same information with you, my loyal readers… Key techniques for compelling business speeches and presentations are: Open strong. Use a...
Feb 24, 2010 | Where's Dan?
I’m holding a free teleconference next Friday, March 5th at 11:00 am Pacific (2:00 Eastern) on Extemporaneous Excellence. If you ever get tongue-tied, nervous, or afraid to speak in business settings, this call is for you. If you ever said, “I wish I had...
Jan 23, 2010 | Uncategorized
It never ceases to amaze me that I will be sitting in an audience listening to a speaker and people are either texting, reading their e-mail, or surfing the net on their cell phones. It happens at my Rotary Club all the time, and I think it’s rude. That being...
Jan 20, 2010 | Uncategorized
Want to suck the life out of a crowded room that is waiting to hear you speak? All you have to do is start your presentation by clicking on the projector. Hopefully, masks will drop from the ceiling and your audience can be revived! If you MUST use PowerPoint, then...