Oct 4, 2010 | Business Strategy, Leadership
OK. I get it. Over the past five years in my consulting practice, I’ve tried to develop a “brand” for myself. I have a variety of things that I do, a myriad of expertise to improve the condition of my clients, and a lot of ways to confuse people....
Sep 21, 2010 | Business Continuity Strategies
Confidence. Self-esteem. Self worth. All these issues come into play when you are competing in business. I like watching athletes and coaches compete in their respective sports. One of the things I take away from a show like HBO’s Hard Knocks, is that when...
Aug 7, 2010 | Business Continuity Strategies, Business Strategy, Leadership, Marketing & Branding
Watch Master Mentors Libby Wagner and Dan Weedin present at the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce on how to take your business from recession to recovery. This is “Part 1” of a three-part series taking the best of this 75-minute presentation....
Aug 4, 2010 | Uncategorized
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-ZpalgRDb4&hl=en_US&fs=1] © 2010 Dan Weedin. All Rights Reserved
Jun 16, 2010 | Uncategorized
I’ve spoken several times recently on improving public speaking skills. Here are five quick hitters on ways to become “fearless:” Think audience outcome. Stop worrying about how you are viewed; about saying the wrong thing; about being “found...