Apr 12, 2014 | Videos, Where's Dan?
Okay…let’s be clear. My Spanish needs some work and I might have been a little over my head in trying to use it as much as I did. But, it’s about being Unleashed, right? I had the opportunity to be interviewed about my new book, Unleashed on a...
Apr 12, 2014 | Videos, Where's Dan?
Okay…let’s be clear. My Spanish needs some work and I might have been a little over my head in trying to use it as much as I did. But, it’s about being Unleashed, right? I had the opportunity to be interviewed about my new book, Unleashed on a...
Jul 29, 2013 | Extra Points
This week’s focus point… Steak and Sizzle My wife Barb and I both love to cook. That’s why we get hooked on all the food shows, especially the reality/competition versions, One of our favorites is The Next Food Network Star on The Food...
Nov 20, 2012 | Leadership
The first step in any desperate situation the temptation is to act immediately. It’s understandable, but unwise. No matter how bad things are the first step is always the same. Assess the threat and figure out how bad things really are… I was watching the...
May 23, 2011 | Extra Points
This week’s focus point – Post-Rapture Special – Cliffhangers. Hello? Hello? Is there anyone else out there? If you’re reading this, either the rapture didn’t happen “as expected” or you and I are in the throws of a planet...