Jul 24, 2013 | Business Strategy, Videos
This is a 10-part video series I recently created for Chron, which is the online version for the Houston Chronicle. The topic surrounds crisis planning and disaster recovery for small business. The questions and topics were raised by readers of Chron. There really is...
Jul 23, 2013 | Business Strategy, Videos
This is a 10-part video series I recently created for Chron, which is the online version for the Houston Chronicle. The topic surrounds crisis planning and disaster recovery for small business. The questions and topics were raised by readers of Chron. There really is...
May 14, 2013 | Rave Reviews
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKd7l4Frbak] Thankful to Alan Weiss for this new testimonial… © 2-13 Dan Weedin. All Rights Reserved
Aug 17, 2012 | Business Strategy
Yesterday, I held my monthly executive group workshop and the topic was time management. Several of the group members want to make more time to strategize and are frustrated in not making that time. In talking with one member in a follow up this morning, she shared...
Mar 5, 2012 | Extra Points
35,000 feet. Flying back to Seattle on Saturday held a unique joy for me. Not only was I coming home from several days in Providence, RI, but I was flying over the Rocky Mountains on a glorious day. It caused me to put down my book, turn on my iPod, and take in the...