Aug 29, 2012 | Business Continuity Strategies
I’ve never made a sale on an elevator. All throughout my career, I’ve been told I need an “elevator speech.” You know, that 30-45 seconds that you might spend on an elevator pitching someone as to what you do and how you do it. Enough time to...
Jun 26, 2012 | Marketing & Branding
[youtube] Libby Wagner speaking on marketing gravity for consultants and entrepreneurs at the last Libby & Dan event on June 21st in Seattle. © 2012 Libby Wagner & Dan Weedin. All Rights...
May 24, 2012 | Business Continuity Strategies, Business Strategy, Marketing & Branding
I love watching Dancing with the Stars and American Idol. Just like with the food channel reality shows, I get a lot of entertainment value and I pick up a lot of tips. I also am constantly amazed at the business lessons that come out from them. Green Bay Packers wide...
Jan 9, 2012 | Extra Points
This week’s focus point – Consistency. Early last year, I purchased one of those Nike monitors that you stick in your running shoe and teams up with your iPhone to track your miles run and calories burned while listening to your favorite music. I’ve...
Jan 7, 2012 | Business Strategy
Activity breeds results… This week has been a blur. I spoke to two groups of consultants on topics related to marketing, branding, and strategy. I interviewed 13 people over two days for a new client where I’m facilitating a sales meeting to kick off the...