Feb 9, 2016 | Business Strategy, Uncategorized
Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch “announced” his retirement on Sunday during the second half of the Super Bowl. And he did it in consistent fashion….without words. The entire staging of this whole event just goes to show how smart Lynch...
Feb 25, 2015 | Business Strategy, Leadership
“My name is Bob McDonald and I was in Army Special Forces.” “My name is Bob McDonald and I was in Army Special Forces.” “My name is Bob McDonald and I was in Army Special Forces.” Will the real Bob McDonald stand up? If you watched...
Feb 3, 2015 | Uncategorized
I’ve been asked my many of my faithful readers what my thoughts were on the end of the Super Bowl. They were surprised that I didn’t vent on my Extra Points, but that edition was written long before the game. When I coached high school basketball, I had a 24-hour rule...