Apr 24, 2017 | Extra Points, Uncategorized
It’s a girl!!!! We had the big reveal party yesterday at my daughter and son-in-laws house. We found out that Pops (me) and Barb (grandmother names in flux and to be determined later) are going to have a granddaughter in September. It seems my life has been...
Jan 23, 2017 | Extra Points, Uncategorized
This Week’s Focus Point: Are You Out of Water? One of my jobs as the minion of two demanding Jack Russell Terriers is to keep their water dish full. While they might think it’s my “only job,” I do on occasion lose track of the depth of the...
Jan 2, 2017 | Extra Points, Uncategorized
Dogs aren’t normally proactive. Captain Jack and Bella are constantly reacting to sights, sounds, and opportunities happening around them. For example, Captain Jack hates the sound of electronic noises emanating from phones (even if they are on TV). His...
Jan 22, 2016 | Business Continuity Strategies, Business Strategy, Leadership, Uncategorized
I was driving in to my Rotary Club meeting this morning and a country song came on the radio that made me pause to think. The song is “Gonna Know We Were Here” by Jason Aldean. The lyrics from the chorus that caught my attention were… Ain’t...
Feb 9, 2015 | Extra Points
This week’s focus point…Do You Believe in Magic? Last Friday, I took my adult daughters to the Father-Daughter banquet at the Washington Athletic Club, of where I am a member. While there is a small mix of age ranges (the oldest father-daughter pair have...