Apr 1, 2013 | Extra Points
Fools Gold April Fools Day. One of my favorite days, especially because it’s my wife’s birthday. I’ve always teased her because she is an April Fools baby and I was a New Years Eve baby, which means everyone parties on my...
Mar 2, 2013 | Uncategorized
These past two weeks have been excruciatingly challenging for my family and me. My mother has been in and out of the hospital and is now in a skilled nursing facility. I’m the President of the school board charged with making a decision on closing a school in...
Feb 25, 2013 | Extra Points
For most of last week, I waited. My mother was admitted to the hospital on Sunday night, and over the course of days went to near death; to intensive care; on the a regular hospital unit; and finally to a skilled nursing facility to rehabilitate. That one sentence...
Jan 28, 2013 | Extra Points
Extraordinary. I recently had a text conversation with a coaching client. I asked how things were going since I hadn’t heard from her in a couple of weeks. The answer was pretty innocuous – “Nothing exciting to report. Just plugging along.”...
Jan 7, 2013 | Extra Points
No Panic I would make a lousy National Football League coach. Watching my team, the Seattle Seahawks, fall behind 14-0 in a playoff game against the Washington Redskins had me fit to be tied. They were playing awful and the entire momentum and outlook was...