Oct 18, 2013 | Business Strategy, Leadership
Last Sunday, my hometown Seahawks had an uncharacteristic breakdown on the final play of the first half, which nearly cost them a game. They lined up with 2 seconds left to kick a chip shot field goal and increase their 7-3 lead over the Tennessee Titans. This is...
Aug 20, 2013 | Business Strategy, Leadership
As we are on the eve of National Preparedness Month in September, I am thrilled to unveil a brand new, unique program that only I can offer to businesses of all sizes and industries. I call it the Crisis Awareness and Prevention System (CAPS). This information will...
Jul 18, 2013 | Business Strategy, Leadership, Videos
This is a 10-part video series I recently created for Chron, which is the online version for the Houston Chronicle. The topic surrounds crisis planning and disaster recovery for small business. The questions and topics were raised by readers of Chron. There really is...
Jul 17, 2013 | Business Strategy, Leadership, Videos
This is a 10-part video series I recently created for Chron, which is the online version for the Houston Chronicle. The topic surrounds crisis planning and disaster recovery for small business. The questions and topics were raised by readers of Chron. There really is...
Sep 13, 2011 | Business Strategy
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVf3OO39syo&w=560&h=345] I’m a team member partner with Agility. Call me. This is too important for your ability to be resilient and survive a crisis… © 2011 Dan Weedin. All Rights...