Jan 15, 2014 | Upcoming Events
Friday, January 17th at the Lake Washington BizEnrich meeting – Bellevue, WA Title – 7 Strategies to Crush 2014 I will be giving a one hour presentation on how you can “crush” all your goals and objectives for 2014. In case you don’t know...
Apr 19, 2013 | Business Continuity Strategies, Upcoming Events
I will be speaking tomorrow at the Lake Washington chapter of Biz Enrich in Mercer Island. The topic is how to create a value-based consulting proposal. It will be a highly interactive session tomorrow. I’m looking forward to seeing all my friends from Biz...
Jul 17, 2011 | Business Continuity Strategies, Marketing & Branding
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hctg5KYuDAM&w=560&h=349]
Jun 28, 2011 | Upcoming Events
I’ve got two events coming up soon that are geared specifically for consultants. Both come out of my training as an Alan Weiss Master Mentor. The events are basically free (one has a breakfast cost if you choose to partake), and will offer a tremendous return on...