Audio PlayerMy family banded together for Christmas and my birthday to get me an Apple Watch. I’ve been wanting one and I’m thrilled with the gift.
It takes some getting used to the regular notices that I receive when my wrist “rings.” One caught my attention on Saturday. As I eagerly looked at my new watch to read what it was going to “tell me,” I have to admit a little surprise.
The display reminded me to breathe. As if I wasn’t aware after nearly 56 years of life that breathing was an essential function, my Dick Tracy style watch was admonishing me to breathe.
So I did what I was told. I stopped. I focused. And I took the opportunity to slow my mind and body and just breathe.
It felt good and and now is a permanent function as a subtle and regular reminder that breathing not only is life, but also creates calm and better performance physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Is it time for you to breathe?
As we head out of a 2020 that makes all other years look like cakewalks, our alert reminders to breathe should all be sounding.
Here are some ways to advance breathing heading into 2021:
Actually breathe. Make breathing exercises a part of your day like I’m doing. It will keep you balanced, calmer, and able to better respond to both challenge and opportunity.
Control what you can control and let the other crap go. Being depressed about past failures or anxious about the future does you no good. Focus on today and what you can control.
Be empathetic and kind. While I’m not implying that any of you reading this haven’t been, it’s simply a reminder “alert “ that I often need to work on myself. It’s easy to be quick to judge or condemn. I have to remind myself that everyone is going through something, and I can control my own thinking.
Finally, get help. I use a professional coach and believe we all need someone to unleash our potential. Not only is there no shame in asking for and seeking help – both professional and personal – it shows great personal confidence and courage. You can’t be brilliant by yourself. Life – including business – is a team sport.
The calendar flip won’t magically close the door on an arduous 12 months. However, our ability to breathe and restore calm to ourselves will help each of us to be unleashed.
My most sincere hope and best wishes that you will slide in ahead of the tag in 2021.
Note: I always have a birthday special and this year is no different. I want to help you to purposefully and smartly “breathe.” To that end, I’m offering a 2021 Unleashed Strategic Breathing Session.
In commemoration of 56, I’m offering this 90 minute session for $560 (normally $1,000). Take advantage of this opportunity for help by clicking here.
Quote of the Week:
“The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been.”
~ Madeleine L’Engle (20th Century American novelist)
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