Aug 22, 2016 | Uncategorized
Captain Jack and Bella despise cats. Despise them. When a cat is spotted on one of their walks, the histrionics begin. Resounding barking, bellowing angst, and powerful lunging that takes all my effort to keep them restrained. The cat, however sits silently, with a...
Aug 18, 2016 | Business Strategy, Leadership
It looks like the story of the four U.S. swimmers being robbed is a fabrication. If that is clarified, it takes on the impact on the grand scale of former NBC news anchor Brian Williams and his expansion of the truth dealing with his involvement with enemy fire in the...
Aug 8, 2016 | Extra Points, Uncategorized
Captain Jack loves to work. No really. I mean loves to work. He knows when I’m done eating breakfast and begin to stand up, that it’s time to work (even though often it’s not – I might just need a second cup of coffee!). He makes a beeline for...
Aug 5, 2016 | Business Strategy, Uncategorized
I was just interviewed for a newspaper article on the topic of the dangers to 2nd and 3rd generation family small businesses. The question was – What characteristics or temperament does a second- or third-generation small-business owner need to survive? What...
Aug 4, 2016 | Business Strategy, Leadership, Marketing & Branding
Nike just announced that they are dumping their golf product line, which means no more manufacturing of golf balls, bags, or equipment. This has stunned the golf world, especially the tour players that are under contract for them. The three biggest names that featured...