Apr 6, 2015 | Extra Points
This week’s focus point…Who’s the Boss? I recently had a conversation with someone regarding an opportunity to improve their skills and boost their growth and revenue with a very small investment. They work in sales for a company that allots them a...
Apr 1, 2015 | Business Continuity Strategies, Business Strategy
April Fools Day is legendary for its practical jokes, witty and amusing (and often fabricated) articles and stories, and jocularity. It’s also my wife’s birthday (I can’t leave THAT out). The really foolish thing however, is to continually fool yourself in your...
Feb 11, 2015 | Business Strategy, Leadership
When I coached high school basketball, I only had one rule for my players (although they thought I found many ways to adjudicate it). The rule was simple, yet all-encompassing – Don’t let your teammates down. Don’t let your teammates down. For my...