Nov 21, 2009 | Business Continuity Strategies, Business Strategy
Lat week I drove down to Portland to meet a friend and colleague. I’m not overly familiar with downtown Portland, so I brought my trusty friend Maggie to guide me. Maggie is my Magellan GPS. As we approached the final exit that would take me to my destination,...
Sep 23, 2009 | Uncategorized
I was fortunate to speak yesterday to the Building Owners & Managers Association (BOMA) of South Puget Sound on the topic of the value of powerful presentation skills. One of the key learning points we discussed was what I call “Extemporaneous...
May 19, 2009 | Jocularity
My family spent most of Sunday re-arranging our house. My wife Barb, for reasons I still don’t understand and probably shouldn’t, changed our living room and dining rooms around. This arrangement has created a problem for Captain Jack, our Jack Russell...
May 18, 2009 | Uncategorized
Watch this video clip form Super Bowl MVP James Harrison from the Pittsburgh Steelers. This is the way NOT to be either smart or savvy. Communications isn’t optional in life. Looks like Mr. Harrison needs some coaching in this arena… Click here to...
May 18, 2009 | Uncategorized
This past week, my daughter Kelli gave a speech at our Toastmasters club. Her objective was to present a persuasive speech. Kelli decided to give a presentation arguing that her generation, Generation Y, was the “best.” She labeled three “myths” or misconceptions...