Nov 2, 2015 | Extra Points
This Week’s Focus Point: Control Last week, I was the guest speaker for a Rotary Club that meets at golf course. During lunch, as I was watching a group approach the green, I noticed something unusual. One of the golfers was following his golf bag! It was the...
Nov 4, 2013 | Extra Points
Thankful 1 of 4: Service Above Self I know many of my friends are doing a daily memo of thanks, usually on Facebook. That’s way too much work for me, so I will do it four times during the month on Extra Points. And, my family, friends, health, etc. are all...
Mar 26, 2013 | Marketing & Branding, Professional Development
[youtube] This is a 5 and a half minute speech I gave as part of a Toastmasters demonstration at my Rotary Club last week. Here is what you can take away from it… 1....
Apr 4, 2012 | Marketing & Branding
[youtube] Many thanks to Matt Biondi from BiondiMedia for creating this new video on my business. Video is a great way to engage your readers of your web site, blog, or other promotional pieces. It...
Mar 14, 2012 | Extra Points
Team. I’ve been watching AMC’s hit television show, Mad Men on Netflix. I just finished Year 3 (two years ago so consider this your spoiler alert) where Don Draper leads a group of people from the firm, including two partners, to form their own agency....