Jun 16, 2011 | Uncategorized
Social Media has captivated the globe and has changed how we communicate personally and professionally forever. And the scary thing is, it’s ever evolving and changing. The good news for you as a business is that you have more ways to spread your message, sell your...
Nov 15, 2010 | Business Strategy
No. I’m certain I will get a lot of people responding with contempt over my short answer, and that’s okay. I ask that you hear me out. I believe social media platforms can be an excellent aid in enhancing relationships. The ability to communicate, share,...
Apr 23, 2010 | Professional Development
Between Rotary and school board meetings, I see a ton of slide presentations (Powerpoint™ has such a strong brand like Xerox once had – people use it as a verb) and the one common denominator is too much text. Whenever you hear the presenter say, “I...
Apr 28, 2009 | Uncategorized
“Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.” Oscar Wilde 1892 Oops. I have a new experience to chalk up. Last weekend I was an emcee for our Rotary District Conference. Two of my fellow Rotarians thought it would be great to Twitter some...
Apr 11, 2009 | Business Continuity Strategies
Are you part of a non-profit organization that wants to increase its awareness and revenues without a huge out-of-pocket expense? More and more organizations are using social media leaders Twitter and Facebook to do just that. I’ve written a three-page...