Feb 22, 2016 | Extra Points, Uncategorized
This Week’s Focus Point: What’s the Opportunity Today? Captain Jack wakes up every morning smelling opportunity. Dogs have a unique approach to life. Unlike humans, they use their olfactory senses to apprise the day in front of them. Many a human...
Feb 19, 2016 | Uncategorized, Upcoming Events
What would it mean to you if you had 30 minutes more each day do to whatever you wanted? Go get my free guide on “How to Uncover 30 Minutes a Day.” You will also be eligible up to get advance notice on a new program being unveiled on March 4th. This...
Feb 17, 2016 | Business Continuity Strategies, Business Strategy, Leadership
Ronda Rousey, in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, admitted that she was so distraught after her defeat to Holly Holm in November that she briefly contemplated suicide. The former UFC champion had been undefeated – and literally unmatched – until Holm knocked her out...
Feb 15, 2016 | Extra Points, Uncategorized
Last week I was in Las Vegas for Alan Weiss’s annual Mentor Summit. Among the benefits is getting together with colleagues from around the world to both network and relax. On Thursday, several of us went to Gordon Ramsey’s restaurant in Caesar’s...
Feb 10, 2016 | Professional Development, Random Digressions, Where's Dan?
I’m headed out today for the annual Mentor Summit hosted by Alan Weiss for all the consultants around the globe in his mentor program. It’s always a fun event…last year in Washington D.C. and this year at Las Vegas. (I’m traveling to Vegas on...