I just received a very nice testimonial from one of my excellent clients. I like to share these because you never know when the value received by someone else sparks something. Is there a project or initiative that has stalled in your organization that needs to get a boost, a push, or even a big, old kick in the pants?
If so, we should talk. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to my client, Ryan Fournier (President, Fournier Insurance Solutions). Thanks, Ryan!
“The value we received from working with Dan can be summed up in one word…..Focus! Everyone knows how easy it is to get distracted in business. With Dan’s help we moved a major project forward in a matter of 60 days that we had been discussing as a management team for the last 3 years. In hindsight it is easy to see the return on investment of engaging with Dan. Hard work is never easy, but Dan helped us channel our focus and determination to implement the change we needed to become a better organization going forward.”
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