This week’s focus point…Staying Power
This past Friday evening, I was driving back from Portland after a 3-day conference. It’s a 3 hour drive at night, and it’s a great time for me to relax and listen to some music. I found myself singing along with Nat King Cole to Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. YES, I admit I listen to Christmas music during this time of year. I guess I’m just a sentimental kind of guy at heart…
Mr. Cole’s voice was his “brand;” his message. He was so gifted and talented that it will endure forever.What gift or talent do you have that extends past your being present? It could be your talent that improves revenue growth for a business; creates opportunities for others to excel; or perhaps it’s a product you developed that brings joy to others that has no expiration date.
We all have unique gifts and talents to share with others through our personal and professional work. Even though we may not qualify as world-renowned crooners, we do have the opportunity to create a lasting effect on our craft. The key is how we make others better because of our efforts.
My question to you this week is – who’s singing to your music!
© 2014 Dan Weedin. All Rights Reserved
This week’s quote –
“Between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out.”
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Welcome to the most powerful and dynamic program I’ve ever created for business owners and executive leaders on unleashing your vast potential and maximizing your own unique talent and that of those around you.
My concept of the “open gate” is that unlike dogs, we as humans often tether ourselves inside our own personal gates and due to our own self-imposed limitations and fears, choose not to risk going through the open gate in front of us. The results include dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, poor leadership, bad morale, inefficiencies, and boredom. Bottom line is you and your business leave money and talent on the table.