A few weeks ago, I started a countdown to my daughter’s wedding by posting on my Facebook page a photo of the jersey number of a famous (normally local) athlete followed by “…days until #MindyandPaul2016 wedding.”
The idea came to me from posts by the NFL Network counting down to kickoff for next season. I thought it would be fun. After some random posts, Mindy told me she really liked them and wanted me to start a daily countdown. We decided to start at#40.
I made this known publicly on my page and before I knew it, I was getting “requests and suggestions” from my friends. I started hearing privately from people about how much they enjoyed the countdown. Both Mindy and her fiancée Paul liked them. And,they were garnering lots of “likes.” There was momentum and anticipation building. (By the way, today is #26)
Something very small and subtle, mixed in with some commonality and humor became very popular and memorable. Who would have thought athlete’s numbers for a wedding countdown could do that?
How is your business creating small, subtle, and memorable moments for your customers and clients? Is your career gaining momentum, or is it blasé? Are you seeking to find creative and fun ways to market your value or are you satisfied with just doing the same thing over and over because it’s easier.
My daughter and future son-in-law will always remember the countdown. So will family and many of my friends. It’s created a memory. How can you take this simple example and create your own “countdown effect” in your business and career?
Note: Check out my interview for Fast Company on being memorable.. READ
“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”
~ Robert Byrne