This week’s focus point…Help, I Need Somebody!
Help is one of my all time favorite songs from The Beatles. I’m pretty sure it has little to do with the words, and more to do with the beat and rhythm. However, let’s take just a moment to inspect one of the key lines in this classic tune…
We all need help in business and life at some point. Many times we are the ones helping others, yet we all too often eschew asking for help when we know we need it. And what’s worse is this – we often shop that help as if we’re comparing toothpaste!
First, be vulnerable enough to realize when you need assistance with something in your business. It might be increasing revenue, enhancing your brand and marketing, reducing your risk, or improving your leadership acumen and skills. When you need professional help, base it on your return on investment, not just the price. If you’d need a brain surgeon, you wouldn’t seek out the cheapest one. If your child needed advanced education tutoring, you wouldn’t haggle down the price to get a “good deal.” Too many can fall into the trap of cheaper is better because the ROI is all the same. Nothing could be further from the truth. It’s almost always the other way around.
Do yourself a favor – ask for help to improve your condition throughout your life; get that help form the person or people that are the best at what they do; and then go help someone else in turn becasue you have tremendous value yourself.
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This week’s quote –
“Anytime you see a turtle on top of a fence post, you know he had some help.“