Early last year, I purchased one of those Nike monitors that you stick in your running shoe and teams up with your iPhone to track your miles run and calories burned while listening to your favorite music. I’ve never been a consistent runner and figured this would be my “accountability partner.” It was and the proof is in the fact that I stuck with it for the entire year.
Last week, Nike sent me my 2011 report card. You see, the iPhone downloads your stats after every run into Nike and they keep track for you. Turns out I ran 236 miles; burned 31,812 calories; and listened to a gazillion songs (give or take a few). I was stunned. Basically, I run 2-3 times a week at a distance of between 3-5 miles. Not much, but I worked hard at being consistent and persistent. In the end, I exceeded my expectations.
Most of business is about being consistent and persistent. Doing the small things every day, even if it’s just 15 minutes, will accumulate in your favor. Examples include marketing, calling on clients and prospects, returning e-mails and phone calls, cleaning out your Inbox, and completing projects. It also helps to keep metrics to know that you’re on track. Too many of us procrastinate because we are waiting for the “right time” to do whatever it is we need to do. Understand that small steps taken daily will not only help you reach your goal, but exceed your expectations by the end of the year!
This week’s quote – “Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Still time left to register for Libby & Dan on January 19th. Click here to learn more…