My wife and I went to watch Man of Steel this weekend in the theater. Fun movie, but not the topic of this week’s memo.
There has never been a time where watching movies is easier, cheaper, and more on demand. For the sake of waiting just a few months, you can use Netflix, You Tube, satellite TV, Amazon, or about a dozen other platforms t watch what you want, when you want, for almost nothing. Yet going to the box office has never been more popular. Why? Easy. The experience. There’s nothing quite like the smell of a theater with the popcorn and Junior Mints. The fun of being part of a large crowd of strangers having a shared experience together. Heck, even the coming attractions and credits add to the fun. Movies at the theaters will always remain strong because they offer an experience that can’t be matched even with surround sound home theatre, a pause button, and liquor from your bar.
What kind of experience do you give your clients and customers? Is it enough to keep coming back? How do you know? In the end, no matter what your product or service, the experience they receive from you must delight and emotionally captivate them, or else you become a commodity. Don’t kid yourself, we can all be replaced. The big screen has found a way to avoid that. Have you?
© 2013 Dan Weedin. All Rights Reserved
This week’s quote –
“Superman don’t need no seat belt.”
– Muhammad Ali