The last two days have again been filled with wonderful family, delicious food, and a terrific city and country.
On Sunday, I went with my cousins to their “finca.” Finca translates directly into English as “farm,” but it’s really not. It’s a weekend home where people in the city go to relax with family. Bogotá is a lot like New York City. Many people live in apartments because it’s easier in a city of 9 million or so. At the “fin de la semana,” they book it out-of-town to the country.
My cousin’s daughters and their husbands are my age. Funny that although we’ve only met once or twice, as I said before, it’s as if we’ve always known each other. We are able to laugh and tease each other (although I NEVER do any teasing) as family and friends. I am glad that I was able to bring them some American colloquialisms that they didn’t know such as “blackmail (long story but let’s just say it’s part of the teasing),” “chill out,” and “dude.” I’m glad I can do my part for the cause.
Yesterday, I spent time with my Tia Clara and her husband Hernando, my Tia Elena, and both of their families, which include many cousins and second cousins. Head to my Facebook page to see photos and names. This was the house I stayed at 40 years ago on my last visit. It’s funny how memories of the house and people quickly get unlocked from your memory when coming back. My aunts are a kick and I enjoyed listening to “cuentas” of my mother when she was young. Many of them I had never heard. They were also kind to share some old pictures with me and we talked about their lives and family. Oh…and the food. The beat just continues. The homemade food is out-of-bounds (again in Dan terminology this is really, really good). The Bogotá voodoo is that it just never runs out!
Today it’s off to the famous salt mines. Looking out the window as I type it is blue skies and chirping birds. Going to be another great day. More to come…
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