I hate flossing.
I don’t know why. It takes about 30 seconds. It doesn’t hurt. It’s good for my oral health and will increase the chance that I keep my teeth forever.
I guess it’s the part that I get lazy. Even though brushing takes longer, it’s easy to eschew the flossing and get moving on my day.
Does this sound at all familiar to you?
I’m not talking about your own flossing discipline. I’m more talking about keeping up with risk management and safety in your business.
Just like flossing, risk management is not the cool part of business. Making money, growing the business, expansion, and innovation are all the “brushing” part. However, just like good oral health, without the balance of both, it doesn’t take much to lose it all.
What are some areas in your business that should be daily disciplines, but might get brushed aside due to being in a hurry or simply not caring?
Here are a few areas to chew on:
- Daily Huddles to discuss workplace safety
- Checking maintenance of machines, equipment and vehicles
- Properly warming up, stretching, and preparing for physical labor
- Making sure that housekeeping is in good order to avoid injuries
- Checking your IT system for proper functioning to avoid cyber issues and loss of productivity
Your business may have its own industry-specific areas of focus. Are you sure that the vision and objectives of leadership are bing protected by regular “flossing” of your risk management protocols?
Take a few minutes today to make sure. And then rinse and repeat daily. Doing so will help assure that you will keep your business going strong for the rest of your business life!