I’m getting ready to head out of of town next week, so I have been frenetically setting my schedule to make sure I get everything done. All of a sudden, it dawned on me that today is the 8-year anniversary of September 11, 2001. I knew it this morning – I put out the flag. I’m wearing my blue shirt with the Unites States flag emblazoned on it. But then life took over.
As I was posting a note on Facebook I saw this video posted by a good friend. I decided to take 4 1/2 minutes out of my morning to watch it. If you are like me, you will be transported back in time 8 years to all the sights, and sounds of that horrible day. As I write this I still have goose bumps. I remember every second of September 11, 2001.
In the hustle and bustle and scrambling of this September 11th, this was a poignant reminder of how time can be stopped and the normal activities of your normal day no longer matter.
I encourage you to spend 4 1/2 minutes in tribute to those who lost their lives that day and for our country.
God Bless the USA…