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Ice Guard: Crisis Navigation for Business

Cyber Insurance Explained

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Back Nine Walking

Strategies for risk and resilience in both business and life

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Cyber Insurance Explained

How to buy cyber insurance because it’s harder than it looks

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Ice Guard: Crisis Navigation for Business and Life

Life is unpredictable. Whether it’s a crisis in your business or a personal emergency, navigating those stormy waters can feel overwhelming. That’s where ICE Guard comes in.

Imagine this: You’re hit with an unexpected event—a fire, a critical injury, or even a sudden loss in leadership. These moments demand quick thinking and immediate action. But who’s in charge of pulling everything together? Who’s making sure every “what if” is handled while you stay focused on what matters most?

ICE Guard Is Your First Call in Crisis.

With ICE Guard, you’re never alone when life throws a curveball. As part of our service, you’ll have a trusted advisor—Dan Weedin—on standby to handle your most critical situations, both personal and professional.

Here’s what we provide, so you have total peace of mind:

  • Custodianship of All Insurance Policies
  • First Call in Case of Emergency
  • Managing Claims on Your Behalf
  • Full Access for Key Stakeholders
    In moments of crisis, it’s important that your family, partners, or leadership team are on the same page. We ensure they have the right information and access, so there’s no confusion or delays.
  • Personal and Professional Protection
  • No Meter Running

ICE Guard is more than just a service—it’s your compass in times of uncertainty. Whether it’s a personal crisis or professional setback, we provide the direction, the expertise, and the solutions you need to come out stronger.

We know emergencies can be disruptive, even devastating. But with ICE Guard, you have a reliable partner ready to act at a moment’s notice, steering you through the chaos and into calmer waters.

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Protecting Your Business from a Costly Cyber Disruption

Available now. FREE Download!

Back 9 Walking: A Guide for Living Life Unleashed

“Dan reminds us that age stops for no one, and while many people slow down mentally, physically, and emotionally, we can still play our best rounds (and live our best life) even in the later stages of the game. Weedin’s wisdom is essential for leaders, CEOs, business owners, and entrepreneurs who want to bring their “A” game to the back nine.”

— Noah Fleming, Author of Evergreen: Cultivate the Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving


Developing and Strengthening Productivity, Influence, and Personal Contentment

Risk Strategy & Leadership

Business Continuity Planning / Insurance Consulting / Virtual Director of Risk

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What People are saying About Dan

“Aside from growing revenue and profitability, managing risk is one of the most important things we can do to create/preserve value for our company.

Dan has helped us to manage our risks over the past few years in a number of ways – first, by helping us identify and quantify the events that might cause disruptions to our operations and/or put the company in jeopardy, and then by guiding us in the development of plans to avoid, mitigate and recover from these events.

Where insurance has been part of the solution, he has helped us by working with our broker to shape the coverages to best suit our needs. For a company like ours that is that not large enough to support a full-time risk manager, putting to use Dan’s experience and efforts on a fractional basis is a great solution; it has certainly worked well for us.”

Gary Tashjian, CEO

Darwin’ s Natural Pet Products (Seattle, WA)



Available for both In-Person AND Virtual events!

Major topics include: Leadership, Organizational Resilience, Strategy, Protecting Organizational Assets, Team Building, and Entrepreneurship.


Available for both In-Person AND Virtual events!

Discover a series of Unleashed® Workshops available for your team or company. They can be selected ala carte or as one collective program. 


Available for both In-Person AND Virtual events!

Optimize your next retreat, strategy session, or important meeting to accomplish your objectives.



Book your 15, 30, or 60 minute strategy
session with Dan


We will determine what you need to improve growth and protection for your business and company value and wealth.


Dan will provide you with a detailed strategy plan and recommended next steps to generate your desired results.


“Dan is an amazing coach. He not only guides to me a level of clarity that has been instrumental in achieving my goals, but also provided a role model for what I hope to achieve in my own business. He is charming and funny but also fearless and sharp. I recommend Dan with the utmost confidence.” 

— Stacie Curtis, CW Solutions (NJ)

“The results from working with Dan are being able to take ideas and concepts and quickly turning them into action and implementation.” 

— Dan Ryan, Tim Ryan Construction (WA)

“I’d recommend Dan Weedin to any business owner looking to improve their own leadership skills or to have Dan help one or more of your key staff members to help you stay focused on your company goals without distraction. Dan is a pro at asking the right questions, presenting appropriate challenges and remaining steadfast in his accountability expectations for the best outcome possible. He used your goals as the thesis for his regular interactions so every interaction will lead to a positive outcome for the goals set forth at the beginning of the campaign. I set some very lofty goals and told Dan to make a believer out of me. He has accomplished in 4 months what I didn’t believe was possible in a full year.”

— Lindsey Carnett (CA/NY), Marketing Maven PR

“Dan keeps his commitments, develops realistic plans and expectations, and he executes – pure and simple. If you are smart enough to see when it is time to seek a fresh, outside perspective and to engage the assistance of a dynamic, enthusiastic and skilled professional, look no further than Dan Weedin.”

— Darin Puryear, Arthur J Gallagher

“Dan has helped make me better at decision-making and engaging others. Being able to hear and take in broader perspectives on opportunities that my company is facing has been very insightful. This all leads to a higher performing company with engaged employees to achieve superior results more effectively and efficiently.”

— Chris Engstrom, Hall & Company (WA)

“Our management team has been working with Dan and his clarity and balanced insight has been invaluable. We are in transition in several areas of our company and Dan’s expert counsel has greatly helped us in our decision- making process. His professionalism and wisdom are starting to show in our business’s organization and function. We have enjoyed our conversations with Dan as they are warm, personal, and super insightful experiences! We have already mentioned his name to others as an amazing asset for business development.”

— Mark Yokers, Puget Sound Window Maintenance (WA)

“My work with Dan Weedin was targeted to help provide guidance and insight, while navigating through issues inherent with managing a small company. Dan became engaged very quickly, he listened, asked questions, analyzed, and then offered possible solutions and suggestions. Dan leaves no doubt about his sincerity in helping me resolve issues, and to get me back on the fast track to success. I have to admit, I was somewhat skeptical about how someone I had never met could help me and my team, especially considering he had little or no knowledge regarding the industry I was working in. Well, my only regret now is, I wish I would have started sooner with Dan. I have relied on Dan’s unique insight, experience and wisdom many times, and I am grateful for the guidance he has provided me. With Dan’s tutelage, I have gone from “frustrated” to “triumphal.”

— Patrick Reed, CW Solutions

“Dan is the complete package! He has an uncanny ability to bring fresh new ideas to the surface and transition old style, stuffy practices into state of the art successes. Since engaging Dan, I have produced over $285,000 in new revenue.”

— Judy Graf, Arthur J Gallagher

“Dan has a way of pulling out his bow and shooting an arrow of information right at me, with such precision that I can’t help but learn. Dan has a way of coaching/mentoring that really gets your brain thinking in a different direction. He helps you see things from a different perspective in a way that only enhances how you move forward in your challenges.”

— Betty Skinner, Allstate (WA)

“The value we received from working with Dan can be summed up in one word…Focus! Everyone knows how easy it is to get distracted in business. With Dan’s help we moved a major project forward in a matter of 60 days that we had been discussing as a management team for the last 3 years. In hindsight it is easy to see the return on investment of engaging with Dan. Hard work is never easy, but Dan helped us channel our focus and determination to implement the change we needed to become a better organization going forward.”

— Ryan Fournier, Fournier Insurance Solutions (WA)

“Dan will help you to grow further and faster. He creates positive change with positive psychology, but also creates sustainable results through the mastery of the skills and behaviors required for ongoing success. You need Dan’s help, as so many others have.”

— Alan Weiss

“Dan’s services have been very helpful to our association of over 3,000 coaches. It’s been very valuable because he gives us the answers we need to have when we need them in an honest and trustworthy way. He’s a great resource for our biggest concerns.”

— Jerry Parrish, WA State Coaches Association

“We instantly benefitted from our sessions with Dan. His emphasis on the impact of language definitely struck a chord with our sales staff, even the grizzled veterans responded positively. His unique style and approach really connected with our guys, we were still conversing about our sessions with Dan weeks after the events. I have already booked more of Dan’s time and recommend him without reservation.”

— Keith Elledge, Evergreen Lumber (WA)

“Dan led our department team in a day of team building. As the facilitator he was prepared, engaging and dynamic. We accomplished the goals set out; increase communication, breakdown barriers and to have a day of appreciation and fun. Post meeting survey results indicated the day was worthwhile. We’ll definitely use Dan again.”

— Kendra Fournier, Fournier Insurance Solutions (WA)

“Dan’s guidance helped us crystallize our somewhat vague ideas about what we would do in the event of a disaster, into a well thought out (and written) Crisis Prevention & Disaster Recovery Plan. We appreciated Dan’s ability to combine his subject matter expertise with an easy to work with approach. Hopefully we will never experience a disaster, but there is great peace of mind knowing we have a plan in place for that eventuality.”

— Steve Richardson, AEC, Inc. (OR)

“Dan provided value immediately by helping me land two new clients in the first month of our work together. He is honest, thoughtful, and a great ‘big-picture’ strategic thinker. I highly recommend him.”

— Ryan Honeyman

“Dan gets my highest recommendation as an executive coach and mentor. Dan’s ability to recognize, understand, and explain complex business relationships has improved my thinking, and most importantly, my actions. Along the way there have been surprising (and sometimes painful) personal realizations, but Dan’s mentoring continues to make me a better person every day, professionally and personally. I came away from every coaching session with a clearer understanding of how people might respond to my actions and how I could improve my skills. Dan did not hesitate to tactfully, but directly point out areas that needed to be considered a different way, and proved to be right with his observations, opinions, and suggestions.”

— Bridget Lauer, CW Solutions

“My favorite thing about working with Dan is that when I hit a roadblock, I know I can reach out to him and he will quickly respond with a solution. His experience in consulting, along with a succinct and clear communication, allows me to be more focused and take rapid action.”

— Jeff Hora, Social Sapiens

“Just like professional athletes, executives need coaches and trainers to retain, build and improve necessary skills. Dan Weedin provides an important forum for studying and drilling on important leadership skills. Dan’s energetic approach makes the process fun and highly engaging while providing tangible take-a-ways to put to work immediately.”

— Alan Crain, Kitsap Bank

“I recommended that Dan be retained to perform strategic plan facilitation for the Olympic College Foundation. The session was particularly crucial since it had to be a strategy that would take the foundation into a major fundraising campaign with new roles and functions for the board of directors to implement. Dan did an admirable job helping us determine the pillars of our strategic plan and their defining objectives. We couldn’t have done this as effectively or quickly without Dan’s help.”

— Jim Sund, Olympic College Foundation

“The value we received was great and much better than previous training courses because it was more advanced and had up to date examples. Dan was able to engage the workforce and encouraged discussion, which continued after the course ended in the workplace. Bottom-line, it made you think about how you can make things better in your workplace, taught you some new things that you can apply now, and generally raised awareness of the need for better teamwork and collaboration in the workplace.”

— Naval Sea Systems Command – Keyport

“Dan forces me to look beyond the regular day-to-day. He helps me the see the potential for my business and gives me a vision to work towards. Dan has the ability to see situations clearly and provide pertinent feedback for me to work towards that vision.”

— Sheila Yokers, Puget Sound Window Maintenance

“The entire Olympic College Foundation Board would like to express their sincere appreciation for the excellent board retreat you facilitated regarding our Strategic Plan. In a mere seven hours you took our conversation from “Let’s make a plan,” to “We have a plan!” Certainly we could not have come as far as we did without your expertise and guidance. You guided us through the day keeping the pace moving, yet pausing and giving additional time for topics that needed further conversation. This ensured all board member voices were heard, even those that felt timid about their opinions. Your interactive methods were engaging. Keeping a large group of individuals focused and comfortable expressing their needs and concerns requires a skilled facilitator and you far exceeded our expectations.”

— David Emmons, Olympic College Foundation

“Dan’s book Unleashed Leadership was very valuable to me as a small business owner. There are many stresses in running a business. Dan’s book helped me with dealing with those stresses more effectively. He reminded me of those important aspects of managing employees that were forgotten. Specifically, he offered easy to implement tools and techniques for working with employees help set back on track that which had gone off course. I recommend it for any business owner.”

— Leo Fried, Blue Heron Jewelry

“Dan Weedin was my guide. Dan’s knowledge and enthusiasm set me on track! He helped me avoid dead ends and to focus on action steps that resulted in progress. His perspective enabled me to identify and integrate different client services I could provide into a comprehensive marketing plan that would include and enhance the publishing of a book. Dan’s positive perspective is contagious and energized the process!”

— Richard Tizzano, Author

“Dan’s most valuable ingredient he brought me was perspective. In the midst of a time demanding career (and shift in career path) it’s difficult to rise above the fray and see things for what they are; that’s the perspective Dan brought me, and then offered guidance accordingly.”

— Mike Englund, Bell-Anderson Insurance

“Dan’s strategies on opening and closing a sales presentation have helped me improve my closing ratio to over 75%. I highly recommend him.”

— Jason Webb, Bell-Anderson Insurance

“Our firm hired Dan to enhance our annual Strategic Planning meeting. Dan provided me with the encouragement I needed to use my creativity when making a presentation regardless of the audience. The result, a presentation that usually consists of numbers and stats turned into a fun way to show our staff having fun together while considering our future plans.”

— Krysten Bernal, Hall & Company

“We had a huge, unexpected transition in our agency; having Dan as a mentor was valuable because he could look from the 25,000 foot level, and help guide me. I got so much value, I can hardly put it into words.”

— David Lee, State Farm

“Dan Weedin is a rare guy who instinctively finds quick answers to tough issues. I trust him implicitly, and I rarely make that statement. He has the ability to get to the heart of impactful issues.”

— David Gardner

“Just the thought of public speaking used to have me shaking with anxiety. Working with Dan was the best decision I made to prepare for speaking in front of an audience. He had practical, easy to implement suggestions that we applied to my presentation that helped me capture my audience’s attention and had them engaging more than I had ever experienced. I look forward working with him again soon.”

— Raquel Lackey

“Dan is clearly a gifted encourager. His ability to teach organization skills and time management is extraordinary. The benefits I have received by engaging and working with Dan have positively affected our bottom-line by 15% so far – and we’re just getting started implementing his business growth techniques. If you want a coach that knows how to motivate and improve your bottom-line – engage Dan.”

— Jim Davis, Partners Claims Services

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P.O. Box 1712
Poulsbo, WA 98370

(360) 271-1592


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