Dan Weedin Unleashed-40I walk the dogs on the same route every day. While it may seem boring, it’s safe, lighted, and frankly about the only place that really works for us. I tend to either listen to music, a book, or sometimes even use the opportunity to think about absolutely nothing. It’s very therapeutic for me, and gives the dogs (and me) good exercise.
That being said, you’d think the dogs might get bored. On Saturday, I took the dogs extra early as we’d missed a few days and I knew we had a busy weekend with family and this might be the only opportunity. It was raining but they cared less than I did, so I bundled up without my phone and decided to simply clear my mind and seek out some “quiet.”

It never ceases to amaze me how eager the dogs are to uncover new opportunities in what would seem a mundane environment. With the rain and the few days off, apparently a cornucopia of new olfactory opportunities abounded. Both Captain Jack and Bella made sure that nary a new sensation wasn’t inspected or at least urinated on.

We humans don’t have the incredible sense of smell that dogs do. Rather, we use our visual cues. That’s why we get easily bored. Unfortunately, this easily happens with our daily lives. Boredom leads to many professional perils for a business: Miscues, inattentiveness, lack or production, apathy, complacency, and turnover. Effective leaders are able to sniff this out like Captain Jack on the trail of a squirrel. While we might think it’s the responsibility of an employee to keep motivated, I think that it’s up to the leaders to follow the example of my dogs to sniff out opportunities to improve the people in their influence.
Yes, if you’re an employee for someone, you’ve got accountability, especially to yourself and your family. My message today is to CEOs, business owners, and leaders to provide an environment that stimulates growth, development, and performance. While the work may all look the same, every day’s opportunity is unique and at hand for those that have their noses pointed in the right direction.
Quote of the Week:

“Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.”

~ John W. Gardner (American Educator)

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